A Decade In Search of Work: A Review of Policy Commitments for Syrian Refugees’ Livelihoods in Jordan and Lebanon

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Date published
24 Jun 2020
Policy evaluation
Forced displacement and migration, Host Communities, Refugee Camps, Livelihoods, Syria crisis, Research, policy and analysis
Syria, Jordan, Lebanon

Syrian refugees have lived through almost 10 years of displacement, a situation which is likely to continue for the foreseeable future. At this uncertain juncture, with economic downturn due to the COVID-19 pandemic, now more than ever there is a critical need for supporting livelihoods and enhancing prospects for durable solutions in both Jordan and Lebanon. 

This report builds on the International Rescue Committee’s previous reports "In Search of Work" and "Still In Search of Work", which reviewed progress on livelihoods commitments made by host and donor countries through the Jordan Compact from 2016 to mid 2018. This third update includes a review of the livelihoods situation for refugees and host communities in Lebanon. The briefing draws on new evidence and emerging research findings on how refugees are managing their financial lives and analyses the impact of policy decisions made in both countries on livelihood opportunities.

International Rescue Committee