A Red Cross Red Crescent Guide to Community Engagement and Accountability

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Date published
01 Jan 2016
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Engaging with affected populations, Accountability and Participation, Community-led, Children & youth, Comms, media & information

Community engagement and accountability (CEA) is an approach to Red Cross and Red Crescent programming and operations. It is supported by a set of activities that help put communities at the centre of what we do, by integrating communication and participation throughout the programme cycle or operation.

While CEA is not a new or stand-alone programme, adopting a more systematic approach to CEA contributes to improved accountability to communities, which builds acceptance and trust and supports more sustainable programme outcomes. Ultimately, this helps communities take an active role in building long-term resilience by enabling them to become more knowledgeable, skilled, connected and to bring about the behaviour and social changes needed to address risks and underlying vulnerabilities.