Humanitarian Exchange 54: Special Feature - New learning in cash transfer programming

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Date published
01 May 2012
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Development & humanitarian aid, Urban
Haiti, Somalia

New learning in cash transfer programming
3 Bigger, better, faster: achieving scale in emergency cash transfer programmes
5 ‘More than just another tool’: a report on the Copenhagen Cash and Risk Conference
8 Cash transfers and response analysis in humanitarian crises
10 A deadly delay: risk aversion and cash in the 2011 Somalia famine
13 Institutionalising cash transfer programming  
15 New technologies in cash transfer
programming and humanitarian assistance
18 Innovation in emergencies: the launch of ‘mobile money’ in Haiti
21 Lessons learnt on unconditional cash transfers in Haiti
24 Fresh food vouchers: findings of a meta-evaluation of five fresh food voucher programmes

Practice and policy notes
28 Bridging the gap between policy and practice: the European Consensus on Humanitarian Aid and Humanitarian Principles
30 Humanitarian financing and older people
33 The rehabilitation response in Haiti: a systems evaluation approach
35 Working with Somali diaspora organisations in the UK
37 Applying conflict-sensitive methodologies in rapid-onset emergencies