IASC Humanitarian Financing Task Team, Localisation Marker Working Group: Definitions paper
The Grand Bargain includes a commitment to achieve by 2020 a global, aggregated target of at least 25 per cent of humanitarian funding to local and national actors as directly as possible to improve outcomes for affected people and reduce transactional costs. Grand Bargain signatories agreed to develop and apply a ‘localisation marker’, together with the InterAgency Standing Committee (IASC), in order to measure direct and indirect funding to local and national actors.
The IASC Humanitarian Financing Task Team (HFTT) set up a ‘Localisation Marker Working Group’ in July 2016 to take this work forward, co-convened by CAFOD, OCHA and Development Initiatives. Participation in the group is open to HFTT and non-HFTT members, and includes the Network for Empowered Aid Response (NEAR), national NGOs, donors and independent experts.