Shock-Responsive Social Protection Systems Research Case study—Mozambique

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Kardan, A., Bailey, S., Solorzano, A. & Fidalgo, L.
Publication language
Date published
01 Jan 2017
Research, reports and studies
Disaster preparedness, resilience and risk reduction, Poverty, Protection, human rights & security
Oxford Policy Management (OPM)

This case study report explores responses to climatic and economic shocks in Mozambique, and analyses whether social protection can play a greater role. Specifically, it examines which features in the design and implementation of social protection systems facilitate an effective response to shocks, and how disaster risk management (DRM) and social protection systems can best work together for effective responses. For further case studies from the Shock Responsive Social Protection global study, see the project’s website here. This research – led by Oxford Policy Management (OPM) in consortium with the Overseas Development Institute (ODI), the Cash Learning Partnership (CaLP) and INASP – is funded by UK Aid from the UK Government, as part of the UK Department for International Development's (DFID's) Humanitarian Innovation and Evidence Programme (HIEP).

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