Utilizing Cash and Voucher Assistance within Gender-based Violence Case Management to Support Crisis-Affected Populations in Ecuador

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Manell, T. & Welcome Radice, H.
Publication language
Date published
01 May 2020
Lessons papers
Cash-based transfers (CBT), Conflict, violence & peace, Gender, Protection, human rights & security, Current learning and evaluation
CARE International

Refugees, internally displaced, and migrant women and girls face risks of and incidents of gender-based violence (GBV) before, during, and after crises. GBV is a pressing concern and the responsibility of all humanitarian actors. Cash and voucher assistance (CVA) , while not always appropriate, can play a key role in the prevention of and response to GBV.

With support from Sweden’s Ministry for Foreign Affairs, Womens Refugee Commission and CARE partnered on a project aimed at strengthening the capacity of GBV and CVA service providers in Ecuador to leverage CVA within case management services in the prevention of and response to GBV for crisis-affected populations.

This project, which spanned September to December 2019, served as an opportunity to model comprehensive GBV case management in the face of high rates of GBV and to influence how humanitarian and development sectors and their practitioners respond to GBV in Ecuador using CVA.

Manell, T. & Welcome Radice, H.