Joint Assessment Missions: Technical Guidance Sheets

Publication language
Date published
01 Jun 2013
Tools, guidelines and methodologies
Environment & climate, Food and nutrition, Food security, Forced displacement and migration, Urban


This TGS provides an overview of the challenges faced by urban refugees and basic guidance on how to plan and implement a JAM in an urban centre. This guidance aims to support JAM teams to:
?Organise an assessment; ? Assess the food security and nutrition needs of the urban refugees considering the
particular issues brought by their urban environment; and
?Identify appropriate recommendations taking into account the specific constraints and opportunities present in an urban environment.

Report includes:

No. 1 - Refugees in Urban Areas

No. 2 - Market Analysis in a Jam

No. 3 - Protection

No. 4 - Transfer modalities

No. 5 - Environment and Energy

No. 6 - Planning for General Food Aid Rations

No. 7 - Logistics and Storage in Food Aid Distributions