Out of sight? Responding to marginalised people in urban crises (Urban webinar #21)

2 Apr 2020
14:00 - 15:30, GMT+1 – BST

Engaging with, and or providing support to hard to reach affected people is a challenge faced across humanitarian response, and one that can be particularly pronounced in urban areas. From displaced populations 'hidden' within the city due to ethnic discrimination or lack of legal status, to marginalised populations such as those of diverse SOGIESC (LGBTQ+ identifying people) or a minority religion/ethnic group, who may have needs left unidentified or met by generics needs assessments.
Building on our recent Annual Meeting 'Relevance for whom?', this webinar looks at our ability to deliver relevant humanitarian action for hidden/marginalised people in urban contexts in particular. ALNAP has pulled together two examples from humanitarian practitioners, focusing on how humanitarians can identify and provide support to crises-affected people who may be hidden or invisible in the city.

Cities often are home to immense disparities: they are home to the rich and powerful and their poor, disenfranchised neighbours. Cities often mask deep inequalities. At the same time many vulnerable people often find themselves in the city, in search of community, of support services and aid, and so on. This webinar will focus on two particularly vulnerable groups who can be hidden in the city: individuals needing mental health support, and people of diverse SOGIESC.

Chair: Leah Campbell (Senior Research Officer, ALNAP)

Our speakers:

The first speaker is Valerie Rowles (Country Director, RI Lebanon) who will share Relief International’s experience supporting Syrian refugees with mental health care in urban areas in Lebanon.

The second speaker is Katie Susman (Protection Coordinator, IRC El Salvador) who will speak about IRC’s experiences supporting LGBTQ+ individuals in urban El Salvador.

Join us for two presentations followed by an interactive Q&A discussion.