After-Action Review of Nepal Earthquake Response

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Bhattacharjee, A.
Publication language
Date published
24 Nov 2016
After action & learning reviews
Disasters, Earthquakes, Response and recovery

In the immediate aftermath of the 2015 earthquake, UNDP had geared up to tackle the crisis by launching an early recovery response, providing leadership to the early recovery cluster and developing a core resilience-based approach to recovery. At the time, UNDP at the corporate level had just revised its Crisis Response Strategy, a concrete expression of UNDP’s commitment to step up its capacity to be prepared to respond to a crisis in a substantive way. The earthquake thus comprised the very first and very real testing ground for the strategy.

In line with corporate procedures corresponding to a crisis of this magnitude, UNDP then decided to undertake an after-action review (AAR). This AAR therefore examines the performance of UNDP with respect to its response to the earthquakes in Nepal in first six months, and highlighst lessons learned that would help strengthen functioning, performance and efficiency of UNDP’s disaster response in future.